Dead walking sniper漢化版是一款經過破解的射擊游戲,游戲風格暗黑,色調陰暗,配上略帶陰森的音樂,很有氛圍。玩法輕松有趣,玩家只需要尋找目標扣動扳機即可。喜歡的玩家可以來289掌游網下載試試。
The deepest fear has risen again. The evil has returned to the earth brought along with it extreme horror and terror. The evil has triggered dead men in redemption cemetery becoming alive. This trigger can cause dead people alive hundred and thousands in number. All the walking dead are filled with the evil from inside. They are rising from their graves escaping from the graveyard to the city to eat everyone away and taking the world to the doom. The dead men are totally spell bound and are unable to feel or hear anything, just moving ahead towards completing the mission; to destroy every living thing on earth.
The war between evil and the good has just begun. You are one of the survivor soldiers who are fighting, in the frontline, a desperate war against the evil. For how long you can save your city and your homeland?
It is the time to use your army sniper shooting skills. Hold your sniper gun take the aim and start shooting behaving like a perfect terminator. Ammo is unlimited in you arsenal. Your deadly weapon, sniper gun, is an autoloader, precise and can unleash the hail of bullets. Kill the disgusting mutants rapidly. So grease your weapons and be ready for the best sniper shooting action, lots of adventure and mayhem.
Game play is quite simple and joyful. There are hundreds of dead men coming out of their graves trying to go out of the graveyard. Your target is to stop by shooting them before reaching the gate of the grave yard. You can also change your sniper gun.One of the guns is automatic and the other one is manual.
With each kill get scores. Kill maximum beasts to get more scores. When you make the maximum scores you can challenge your friends.
- Simple yet entertaining game play.
- High fidelity cool graphics.
- Efficient gun controls.
- Best sniper shooting action.
- Gun change option is available.
- A unique sniper shooting action for iOS devices.
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