《軍團摧毀 QONQR》是一個基于位置的游戲,大型多人戰略游戲,擁有300萬元在250個國家的戰斗區,幾十個引人注目的戰略游戲的進攻性和防御性演習;具有豐富的故事情節的獨特派別;持久的世界基地建設;武器和能力提升的機會等特色,深受廣大玩家們的喜愛。
軍團摧毀 QONQR游戲說明:眼下是一種無形的戰爭肆虐在你身邊。一個強大的人工智能作為QONQR出現,并在世界各地傳播本身。第一檢測存在QONQR,那些有激烈的爭論,超過它的意圖。他們已經分裂成惡毒的敵對派系,每個為爭奪世界資源的控制。
- 300萬元在250個國家的戰斗區
- 幾十個引人注目的戰略游戲的進攻性和防御性演習
- 具有豐富的故事情節的獨特派別
- 持久的世界基地建設
- 的真棒武器和能力提升的機會
Location-based MMO where players battle for control of the towns and cities in which they live, work, and play.Right now an invisible war is raging all around you. A powerful Artificial Intelligence known as QONQR has emerged and propagated itself throughout the world. Those who first detected the presence of QONQR have argued fiercely over its intentions. They have split into viciously rival Factions, each battling for control of the world and its resources.THE LEGION unite under the shared goals of destroying QONQR and saving humanity by crushing the nascent AI before it can mature. THE SWARM are convinced that QONQR promises an era of unprecedented technological advancement and human prosperity. THE FACELESS are a loosely organized faction of militant hackers who want QONQR's technology for their own ends.Enlist today, join a faction, and begin battling your friends for control of your cities and millions of other real world locations in 250 countries around the world!QONQR is a location-based, massively-multiplayer game of strategy. It features:- 3 million battle zones in 250 countries- Dozens of offensive and defensive maneuvers for compelling strategic gameplay- Three unique factions with a rich storyline- Persistent world Base construction- Awesome weapon and ability upgrade opportunities
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